The Brain of Phil is a project of analysis. In this blog, I aim to provide brilliant insights into the world of technology by seeking out relationships between various stories. This includes analysis of books I read and web pages that I view. I'll also comment occasionally on other interests, including travel, education, and sports.

Friday, May 13, 2005

About teaching

Although I've been teaching EFL/ESL for the better part of 10 years, I still often wonder if it (education) is for me. Some days I enjoy what I do, while other days bring frustrations that cause me to question if this is where I want to be. Having few other options is what keeps me thinking that this is where I will ultimately stay.

I came across an interesting article today in a magazine (the Boston University alumni magazine). The story talked about a first-year teacher's feelings about his job. He loves teaching and learning, but experiences many days when the students just don't seem to care.

It is this factor that most often causes me concern about my own future in this field. I tend to be a teacher who feeds off the energy of the kids. If they are alive, then I feel alive. If they are dead, I might be able to whip up a magical elixir to deal with the problem, but I might also fall flat. This scares me when I think about my future as an educator, given what seems to be a growing problem of student apathy. Can I be an effective teacher if I feel this way? Should I try?

Of course, it is in university where I feel I would be best suited to work. My grad school experience was fabulous from beginning to end. The chance to engage in thoughtful discussions with similarly-motivated professionals made me work hard, and it was almost always a rush to do my work and help others in the class learn the material and reach our goals. I would love to get into a faculty of education as an instructor, but I'll probably have to get public school experience first.

I suspect this debate within my mind will continue for the next few years.


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