The Brain of Phil is a project of analysis. In this blog, I aim to provide brilliant insights into the world of technology by seeking out relationships between various stories. This includes analysis of books I read and web pages that I view. I'll also comment occasionally on other interests, including travel, education, and sports.

Sunday, July 03, 2005

Explosion in podcasting

Since iTunes made podcasting easily accessible to the masses five days ago, the number of articles on the Net about podcasting has exploded, as has the number of people who are suddenly learning about this medium and tuning into it.

This explosion is being reflected, as well, in the podcasts themselves, as people like Adam Curry are reflecting on the huge increase in subscribers to their shows. The NECC 2005 podcast features daily speakers, university faculty mostly, who are discussing the potential benefits of the medium in education.

Of course, I'm interested in this development. But I'm also really interested in Apple specifically. iTunes is becoming this amazing center of multimedia activity. It is no longer merely a music jukebox. It is also a video player, a music store, and now a podcast directory. And the podcasts themselves are moving into the next generation, including chapters and PowerPoint-like images that can help listeners follow a lecture, for example.

It is an exciting time for a digital life junkie like myself.


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