The Brain of Phil is a project of analysis. In this blog, I aim to provide brilliant insights into the world of technology by seeking out relationships between various stories. This includes analysis of books I read and web pages that I view. I'll also comment occasionally on other interests, including travel, education, and sports.

Tuesday, August 15, 2006

Videography, Photography, Moregraphy

I have taken up some hobbies as of late, which explains my lack of activity on this blog.

First, having discovered the potential of sites like YouTube and Google Video to be a host for my numerous home videos, I decided in June to start using my video editing software (Adobe Premiere Elements) to make movies. Thus far, I have created more than a dozen short movies, mostly of vacations Heather and I have taken over the years. They span from 1998 to the present. My public videos can be seen on YouTube. The same videos are on Google, but Google has the advantage of allowing videos of any length; thus, I have also uploaded my longer version of the Sydney video there.

I have other video projects in the works, including one about Bundang (the city in Korea where I live), and an interview with a former student who is preparing to go to university. Frankly, I am loving this new hobby of mine!

Besides videography, I have recently decided to use Yahoo's Flickr program to store my digital photos. Up to now, I have been using Sony Imagestation, but I found the uploading tools inconvenient and buggy at times. Flickr, meanwhile, has become a phenomenon of the social networking world, and for a fee I am able to store all my photos at their original resolution, which makes for a perfect backup solution.

I have also recently begun a new blog to document my experiences as an ESL/EFL teacher. There are many stories to tell, and so far I have only touched upon my first year in Korea (1995-96). This is a project I plan to work on through the end of my contract at JLS. It is my way of not only remembering this part of my life, but also to provide a window for my children later in their lives to be able to understand what I was doing in Korea.

So that's what has been occupying me lately, keeping me from blogging as I usually have. By the way, it is August in Korea, and we are baking. I wish our air conditioner worked.


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