The Brain of Phil is a project of analysis. In this blog, I aim to provide brilliant insights into the world of technology by seeking out relationships between various stories. This includes analysis of books I read and web pages that I view. I'll also comment occasionally on other interests, including travel, education, and sports.

Sunday, December 18, 2005

Trinity Workplace Learning

I've just read about another company - Trinity Workplace Learning - that is looking at ways to put educational material on iPods and other portable devices. I think it goes without saying now that the iPod will become much more than a portable media device. People will be able to use it for a multitude of purposes, especially if it goes wireless in future versions.

Friday, December 09, 2005

Making educational videos for the iPod

Yep, here they come.

I've been expecting that education-related content would begin to appear for portable devices, and one of the fields worthy of educational-type content would be travel information. Well, this article shows that a film company in Seattle, Washington has begun offering video travel guides to European cities, done from a kid's point-of-view.

This is exactly what I have been thinking about as a growth area for portable multimedia. It's cool to see that folks in the business are thinking along these lines, also.

Sunday, December 04, 2005

Three weeks 'til Sydney

It dawned on me this evening that in three weeks I would be on my way to Sydney.

I'll be visiting Heather's relatives who live in Sydney, and I expect I will also have the chance to meet my parents' friends. For the most part, I will be exploring, taking in the sights and culture of Sydney, and mostly just getting a feel for life in Australia.

The weather will be plenty hot enough, so I hope to do some swimming and find lots of air-conditioned buildings to hang out in.

Ahh, the heat... the opposite of what we experienced today in Korea. We had our first snowfall of the season last night, and it was a winter wonderland like you rarely see in the Seoul metropolitan area. The kids really liked playing in the snow this afternoon, but the minus 8 temperatures were a little more wintery than I would like.

Friday, December 02, 2005

Phil gets picked up!

A few days ago, I received an email from this man, Nevyn Campanella, regarding my post on the digital world consciousness. Nevyn is based in the United States, and he has an Internet radio show as well as his own web site. He posted a copy of my post on his site and inquired as to whether I would be interested in joining him on his radio show.

Although I declined the interview, I was intrigued that somebody outside my own known orb of family and friends had actually surfed into my blog. Not only had this person found my blog, but he also found one of my posts compelling enough to actually pick up and post to his network of listeners and viewers.

But I think the most interesting notion here is that this actually supports what I have been saying about our connection to those around us. If we post our thoughts on the Web, it is entirely possible that our words will be seen by a large audience. This is powerful stuff for those of us who are not in the traditional media business. It is very democratic to be able to speak your mind to a potentially large group of people.

As a result, I am convinced that blogging is a tool that ought to be used in schools. Teaching students that they have a voice, and that their voice may be heard by many people, might just be the thing to get today's kids more involved in civic duty. In the very least, even if their voice is limited to their classroom, they will begin to see the power of sharing ideas.

If young people get into the habit of blogging, I think we will really see the digital world consciousness explode in the next generation.